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Posted on December 19, 2022 by Tracy Vile
One of the very most famous musical dramas ever is Grease.When it hit the theatres, it had been almost immediately as popular as any movie of its time.Today it really is still incredibly popular around the globe and the score from the movie is among the most recognizable scores from any play or film ever.In the event that you haven't seen Grease currently, you're certainly missing something great...

Jerry Maguire

Posted on November 10, 2022 by Tracy Vile
Jerry Maguire was wildly popular when it arrived and continues to be very popular today.It had been an excellent story of love and challenges.CastTom Cruise plays Jerry Maguire in the film and does an excellent job at it.The only real strange parts are when Cruise must get emotional because the character.He could be no actor that looks good crying or getting weepy.Renee Zellweger is outstanding in her role...

Experience Fear With Today's Horror Movies

Posted on October 22, 2022 by Tracy Vile
What's it about fear that many people find addictive? I am not talking about healthy fears like maintaining your hand from the fire or you will get burnt, or the overall fears which keep safe from injury.No, what I am talking about is the pleasure we get out of willingly putting ourselves in from of a horror film with the sole purpose of beating the living daylights out of ourselves.Not only that, but it appears that the more fear we encounter, the more pleasure we get! Sounds like a small contradiction that!For the young lads with a couch date with a new girlfriend, there's frequently and ulterior motive as they slip Freddy Krueger to the DVD player, in the vain hope that their new love will cuddle up to them for protection against the terror on the TV...

The Beginnings of Moviemaking in the United States

Posted on September 11, 2022 by Tracy Vile
The Great Train Robbery was a movie made in 1903 and was the first American movie that had a story to tell its viewers.It was created by Edwin S.Porter and it lasted for eight minutes.This was a silent film and had a"cops and robbers" plot, like a great deal of movies that followed it.Printed subtitles were finally added to the silent films in 1912.These subtitles were flashed along with the action scenes to help the audience know what was happening...

The Introduction of Sound in Motion Pictures

Posted on August 6, 2022 by Tracy Vile
From the mid-1920s, the movie industry had fulfilled its new rival: the radio.Due to it, a great deal of people stopped going to the movies and the film industry was threatened.Amazingly however, scientists in america and overseas had simultaneously discovered a way to add sound to silent pictures.This discovery could save the movie industry.The first sound pictures created were short films of concert performances...